<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=174407429783388&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1">

Why Your Infographic Still Matters...

Many businesses today have given much of their focus in regard to web traffic to keywords, phrases and topics that meet the search intent of their users. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with that approach, it fails to address the most base level reasons someone would engage with a piece of content, or a landing page — the way it looks. 

No matter how great the copy, if it isn't visually appealing, it can miss the mark when it comes to attracting and maintaining engagement. Consider this: according to a study, infographics can increase web traffic by 12%, and posts that contain images have 650% higher engagement than text only posts.

Why is this important though?

Reaching users and driving traffic to landing pages, blogs, and social posts relies heavily on appealing to the brain, where 90% of all information processed is visual. Now, we're not saying you should abandon insightful content in favor of a bunch of images, but the right mixture of the two will elicit better results. Moreover, the imagery used can make for easier social sharing, driving your traffic even higher. Win win. So, if it's time to reconsider how graphic design is playing a role in your business, and how users are interacting with your website and marketing efforts, take a look at how we can help with our graphic design services in USA.

Still have questions? Look at this resource...