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How Sales Teams Benefit from Hubspot

You may be wondering what’s all this talk about using the Hubspot CRM? But what you’re really asking is how it’s directly related to your sales team and how can it benefit you. To be clear, Hubspot is defined as “an inbound marketing software platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers,” which can also be stated as an immensely useful tool that every sales team should have. Here’s a few reasons why.

 Track all sales interactions

There’s no need to wonder whether it’s too soon to call your prospect. Hubspot gives you the ability to monitor real time data. For example, when you send out an email to your database, you can follow a contact from email open, click through to how much time they spent on your site and which pages they visited and so forth. These details help you understand the journey someone takes from the first time they set foot on your website to the time they become a customer.

Centralized database 

That's right. There’s no longer a need to spend countless hours logging emails, calls or meetings again. Hubspot stores all of your prospect information in one place — so you never have to dig through your files for an answer. And with one central place to organize all the details of your leads and customers, it’s easy for everyone on your team to gain insight into the state of your business, and the status of every customer relationship.

Automatic follow-ups  

I have two words for you: marketing automation. According to the state of the inbound report, 38% of salespeople say that they struggle most with prospecting. Hubspot marketing automation is the easiest way to give email support to your sales team. With the click of a button, your sales rep can initiate customized follow-up emails designed to nurture the customer along the buyer’s journey at the right time— all while proving insight to their needs and behavior.

Still have questions on why your team should go Hubspot? There’s a lot more reasons to get on board. Just ask On-Target!.