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Understanding Where Your Business Comes From When Serving Home Owners

Your phone is ringing, and business is going well. Sounds great right?

For many home service businesses, understanding where they got the business is as simple as asking a new customer how he or she heard about the company and then giving no more thought to it. Unfortunately, in an increasingly competitive landscape, knowing how you get your business can actually be more important than the business itself.


Where you spend your advertising money makes a difference

Running that latest Facebook promotion, or showcasing your services on Instagram are all valuable activities that countless businesses like yours rely on for visibility. Maybe you've even thought to view the insights and noticed that there was a better return on investment from that Facebook promotion this month than last. What often isn't asked is which platform, promotion, posting time, audience, and message was most effective relative to spend. This information is the heart of how you're getting business and can't be uncovered by merely just asking your customers how they found you. Starting to track it is easier if you have a robust CRM so trend data begins to help make a case for the next step...

Finger Presses Red Button  Lead Generation on Black Keyboard Background. Closeup View. Selective Focus.


Where is it really coming from?

Once you start truly tracking where your business is coming from, a decision can be made to put additional time and financial resources into those activities. Knowing where, what, when, and who you should be reaching with your PPC, Social Media or other marketing spending will result in higher amounts of business naturally. One thing to remember though, is that changing up the platform and spend is crucial because consistency in one source producing business month after month and year over year is extremely rare. Be prepared to go back to your CRM and use the analytics data for the next campaign to be effective. 


If your business needs help understanding where customers are coming from, or, how to target them, we can help. We'll also help develop a plan to scale your growth in a way that keeps you busy without sacrificing customer service. 

To get started, contact us today!