Agenda for HubSpot CRM training by On-Target!

HubSpot Training by On-Target!


Agenda for Each Step

1. Introduction to HubSpot CRM

Overview of HubSpot (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Understand the overall capabilities of HubSpot CRM.

  • Topics Covered:

    • History and evolution of HubSpot.
    • Key features and benefits of HubSpot CRM.
    • HubSpot’s position within the inbound marketing methodology.
  • Activities:

    • Watch an introductory video on HubSpot CRM.
    • Read an overview document summarizing HubSpot’s features.

User Interface Tour (1 hour)

  • Objective: Familiarize users with the HubSpot interface.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Main navigation menu.
    • Dashboard layout and components.
    • Key sections: Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tasks, and Reports.
    • Search functionality.
  • Activities:

    • Interactive walkthrough of the HubSpot interface.
    • Hands-on practice navigating through different sections.

2. Basic CRM Concepts

Contacts, Companies, and Deals (1 hour)

  • Objective: Understand core CRM objects and their relationships.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Definition and purpose of Contacts, Companies, and Deals.
    • How these objects interact within HubSpot.
    • Creating and managing each type of record.
  • Activities:

    • Create sample contacts, companies, and deals.
    • Link contacts to companies and deals.

Lifecycle Stages (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Learn about customer journey stages in HubSpot.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Definition of lifecycle stages.
    • Using lifecycle stages to track customer progress.
    • Customizing lifecycle stages.
  • Activities:

    • Assign lifecycle stages to sample contacts.
    • Customize lifecycle stages based on business needs.

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3. Setting Up and Customizing Your HubSpot CRM

Profile and Preferences (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Set up user profiles and preferences.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Updating personal information.
    • Setting notification preferences.
    • Configuring user settings.
  • Activities:

    • Update your user profile.
    • Set your notification preferences.

Custom Properties (1 hour)

  • Objective: Create and manage custom properties for records.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Definition and purpose of custom properties.
    • Creating custom properties for contacts, companies, and deals.
    • Managing and editing custom properties.
  • Activities:

    • Create custom properties for contacts and deals.
    • Edit existing properties.

Views and Filters (1 hour)

  • Objective: Organize data using views and filters.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Creating and managing views.
    • Using filters to segment data.
    • Saving and sharing custom views.
  • Activities:

    • Create and save custom views for contacts.
    • Apply filters to segment contact data.

4. Importing Data

Data Import Basics (1 hour)

  • Objective: Learn how to import data into HubSpot.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Preparing data for import.
    • Using the HubSpot import tool.
    • Common import errors and troubleshooting.
  • Activities:

    • Prepare a CSV file for import.
    • Import contacts using the HubSpot import tool.

Data Mapping (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Correctly map data fields during import.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Understanding field mapping.
    • Mapping source data fields to HubSpot fields.
    • Best practices for data mapping.
  • Activities:

    • Map fields for a sample import.
    • Review and adjust mappings.

Managing Data Quality (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Maintain high data quality.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Importance of data quality.
    • Common data quality issues.
    • Tools and techniques for maintaining data quality.
  • Activities:

    • Identify and correct data quality issues in a sample dataset.

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5. Contact and Company Management

Creating and Managing Contacts (1 hour)

  • Objective: Effectively manage contact records.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Adding new contacts.
    • Editing contact details.
    • Merging duplicate contacts.
  • Activities:

    • Add and edit contact records.
    • Merge duplicate contacts.

Company Records (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Manage company records and associations.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Creating and managing company records.
    • Associating contacts with companies.
    • Viewing company details.
  • Activities:

    • Create company records and associate them with contacts.

Interaction Tracking (1 hour)

  • Objective: Track interactions with contacts and companies.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Logging calls, emails, and notes.
    • Using the timeline to view interactions.
    • Best practices for interaction tracking.
  • Activities:

    • Log interactions for a sample contact.
    • View and analyze the interaction timeline.

6. Deal and Sales Pipeline Management

Creating Deals (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Manage deals effectively.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Adding new deals.
    • Editing deal details.
    • Closing deals.
  • Activities:

    • Create and update deal records.

Sales Pipelines (1 hour)

  • Objective: Set up and manage sales pipelines.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Creating and customizing sales pipelines.
    • Managing pipeline stages.
    • Best practices for pipeline management.
  • Activities:

    • Set up a sales pipeline.
    • Customize pipeline stages.

Deal Stages (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Understand and use deal stages.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Definition of deal stages.
    • Moving deals through stages.
    • Using deal stages to track progress.
  • Activities:

    • Move deals through different stages in a sample pipeline.

7. Task and Activity Management

Tasks and To-Dos (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Manage tasks effectively.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Creating tasks.
    • Assigning and tracking tasks.
    • Completing and reviewing tasks.
  • Activities:

    • Create and assign tasks.
    • Mark tasks as complete.

Activity Tracking (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Track activities efficiently.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Logging activities.
    • Viewing activity history.
    • Best practices for activity tracking.
  • Activities:

    • Log and review activities for sample contacts.

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8. Email and Communication Tools

HubSpot Email Integration (1 hour)

  • Objective: Integrate email with HubSpot.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Connecting email accounts.
    • Sending emails from HubSpot.
    • Tracking email interactions.
  • Activities:

    • Connect an email account.
    • Send and track emails.

Templates and Snippets (1 hour)

  • Objective: Use email templates and snippets.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Creating email templates.
    • Using snippets for quick responses.
    • Managing templates and snippets.
  • Activities:

    • Create and use email templates and snippets.

Sequences (1 hour)

  • Objective: Automate follow-up emails.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Setting up email sequences.
    • Enrolling contacts in sequences.
    • Managing and analyzing sequences.
  • Activities:

    • Create and manage an email sequence.

9. Automation and Workflows

Basic Automation (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Understand basic automation in HubSpot.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Introduction to automation.
    • Common automation use cases.
    • Setting up simple automation.
  • Activities:

    • Create a basic automation workflow.

Creating Workflows (1 hour)

  • Objective: Set up advanced workflows.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Workflow triggers and actions.
    • Designing multi-step workflows.
    • Managing and editing workflows.
  • Activities:

    • Design and implement a multi-step workflow.

Workflow Best Practices (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Optimize workflow use.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Workflow best practices.
    • Avoiding common pitfalls.
    • Monitoring and optimizing workflows.
  • Activities:

    • Review and optimize an existing workflow.

10. Reporting and Analytics

Dashboard Overview (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Understand HubSpot dashboards.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Dashboard components.
    • Customizing dashboards.
    • Using dashboards for insights.
  • Activities:

    • Create and customize a dashboard.

Standard Reports (1 hour)

  • Objective: Use built-in reports.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Overview of standard reports.
    • Generating and interpreting reports.
    • Using reports for decision-making.
  • Activities:

    • Generate and analyze standard reports.

Custom Reports (1 hour)

  • Objective: Create custom reports.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Setting up custom reports.
    • Using custom report builder.
    • Analyzing custom report data.
  • Activities:

    • Create and review a custom report.

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11. HubSpot Integrations

Integration Overview (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Understand HubSpot’s integration capabilities.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Benefits of integrations.
    • Popular integrations.
    • Managing integrations.
  • Activities:

    • Explore available integrations.

Popular Integrations (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Integrate common tools.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Overview of popular integrations (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, Slack).
    • Use cases for popular integrations.
  • Activities:

    • Set up a popular integration.

Setting Up Integrations (1 hour)

  • Objective: Connect third-party tools.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Steps to set up integrations.
    • Managing integration settings.
    • Troubleshooting integration issues.
  • Activities:

    • Connect and configure a third-party tool.

12. Best Practices and Advanced Tips

Data Hygiene (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Maintain clean data.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Importance of data hygiene.
    • Techniques for data cleaning.
    • Regular data maintenance.
  • Activities:

    • Perform a data cleaning exercise.

CRM Best Practices (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Maximize CRM efficiency.

  • Topics Covered:

    • CRM usage best practices.
    • Tips for effective CRM management.
    • Avoiding common CRM pitfalls.
  • Activities:

    • Review and apply CRM best practices.

Advanced Features (1 hour)

  • Objective: Explore advanced HubSpot features.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Lead scoring.
    • Sales forecasting.
    • Advanced automation.
  • Activities:

    • Set up and use an advanced feature.

13. Q&A and Support

Live Q&A Session (1 hour)

  • Objective: Address user questions.

  • Topics Covered:

    • Open Q&A session.
    • Specific user scenarios and solutions.
  • Activities:

    • Participate in a live Q&A session.

Support Resources (0.5 hours)

  • Objective: Learn about support options.

  • Topics Covered:

    • HubSpot’s help center.
    • Community forums.
    • Contacting support.
  • Activities:

    • Explore HubSpot’s support resources.

By following this detailed training guide, new HubSpot CRM users will gain a comprehensive understanding of the platform, ensuring they can effectively utilize its features to manage customer relationships and drive business growth.

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