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The On-Target! website development key questions

Questions for our initial website development project.

General Website Project Questions

  1. What is the primary purpose of the website?
    • Informational, e-commerce, portfolio, blog, etc.
  2. Who is the ideal target audience?
    • Demographics:
    • Interests:
    • Titles, roles, etc.:
  3. What are the primary goals of the website?
    • Brand positioning, increase sales, generate leads, provide information, etc.
  4. Are there any existing websites that you like or want to emulate?
    • Examples and reasons why they are liked:

Design and Branding

  1. Do you have existing branding guidelines?
    • Logos, color schemes, fonts, etc.
  2. What kind of look and feel do you want for the website?
    • Modern, classic, playful, professional, etc.
  3. Do you have any specific design elements or features in mind?
    • Animations, video backgrounds, parallax scrolling, etc.

Content and Features

  1. What type of content will be on the website?
    • Text, images, videos, downloadable resources, etc.
    • What currently exists that you can provide?
  2. Who will provide the content?
    • Name, title, email, phone
  3. What pages or sections do you want on the website?
    • Home, About, Services, Contact, Blog, etc.
  4. Do you need any special functionality?
    • E-commerce, user login, forms, search functionality, product database, listings, etc.
  5. Will there be any third-party integrations?
    • Social media, CRM, email marketing, payment gateways, etc.

Technical Requirements

  1. What platform or CMS do you prefer?
    • WordPress, Shopify, custom development, etc.
  2. Are there any specific technical requirements?
    • Hosting, security, performance, etc.
  3. Do you have any existing domain and hosting services?
    • Domain registrar, hosting provider, etc.

SEO and Marketing

  1. Do you have any SEO requirements?
    • Keywords, meta descriptions, alt texts, etc.
  2. Do you need help with ongoing marketing or SEO?
    • Content updates, SEO audits, PPC campaigns, etc.

Budget and Timeline

  1. What is your budget for the project?
    • Overall budget, payment milestones, etc.
  2. What is your timeline for completion?
    • Key dates, deadlines, launch date, etc.

Maintenance and Support

  1. Do you need ongoing maintenance and support?
    • Updates, backups, troubleshooting, etc.
  2. Who will be responsible for website updates and maintenance?
    • Name, title, email, phone

Legal and Compliance

  1. Are there any legal or compliance requirements?
    • GDPR, ADA compliance, privacy policies, etc.

Feedback and Communication

We will need feedback and approvals to be handled quickly, how do you prefer this to be handled? 
  • Meetings, emails, SMS, Teams/Slack, project management tool (Aha!), other
Are there any other specific requirements or considerations?