What are the components of a Brand Strategy executed by On-Target?

A comprehensive brand strategy is vital for establishing a strong brand identity and ensuring consistent messaging across all touchpoints. This is what generates exceptional long-term value for your company.

Brand - Three Arrows Hit in Red Target on a Hanging Sack on Green Bokeh Background.The below activities typically occur over a 90-120 period depending on your availability and the scale of your brand. It encompasses both in-person and web meetings with various stakeholders at varying levels depending on the topic. 

1. Brand Purpose

  • Why It Exists: This is the core reason for the brand's existence beyond just making money. It involves the mission and vision of the organization, aiming to inspire and motivate stakeholders.

2. Brand Vision

  • Future Aspirations: The long-term goals of the brand. What it aspires to become or achieve in the future, guiding the strategic direction.

3. Brand Mission

  • Day-to-Day Operations: Defines the current objectives of the brand and how it intends to achieve them. This guides everyday operations and decision-making processes.

4. Brand Values

  • Core Beliefs and Principles: These are the fundamental beliefs that drive the brand's culture, decision-making, and interactions with customers and stakeholders.

5. Target Audience

  • Customer Demographics and Psychographics: Identifying who the brand is targeting, including demographic details (age, gender, location, income) and psychographic traits (interests, values, lifestyles).

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6. Brand Positioning

  • Unique Place in the Market: How a brand is differentiated from its competitors in the market. This involves crafting a unique selling proposition (USP) that highlights the distinct benefits of the brand.

7. Brand Messaging

  • Key Messages and Tone of Voice: The specific wording, tone, and style used in communications to convey the brand’s core messages consistently across all channels.

8. Brand Personality

  • Human Characteristics: Giving the brand human-like traits that reflect how it should be perceived by the audience, influencing everything from advertising style to customer service.

9. Brand Experience

  • Customer Interactions and Perceptions: The sum of all experiences customers have with the brand, from navigating the website to interacting with customer service and the actual use of the product or service.

10. Visual Identity

  • Logo, Colors, and Design: The visual components of the brand, including the logo, color scheme, typography, and overall design style that make the brand recognizable.

11. Brand Voice

  • Communication Style: How the brand communicates with its audience, including the choice of words, the tone, and the style of communication.

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12. Brand Story

  • Narrative: The compelling story of the brand that includes its history, challenges, victories, and key milestones that help in forming a personal connection with the audience.

13. Market Positioning

  • Competitive Landscape Analysis: Understanding where the brand stands in relation to its competitors and the market as a whole.

14. Brand Promises

  • Commitments to Customers: The assurances that a brand makes to its customers, reflecting its reliability and the quality of its products or services.

15. Brand Extensions

  • Growth Opportunities: Strategies for expanding the brand’s influence into new markets or products, based on its core strengths and market opportunities.

16. Brand Guidelines

  • Usage Rules: Detailed instructions on how all brand elements should be used, including visual design, messaging, and media applications to ensure consistency.

17. Feedback and Adaptation

  • Continuous Improvement: Mechanisms for gathering customer feedback and adapting the brand strategy to stay relevant and effective.

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Recommend: Legal Protection (We do not provide legal advice or services. We do offer referrals upon request) 

  • Examples: Trademarks, Copyrights, Sales Marks, etc.: Ensuring that all brand elements like names, logos, and distinctive features are legally protected against misuse.

Creating a brand strategy with these components ensures a cohesive and strong brand that resonates with its target audience, withstands competitive pressures and adapts to changing market dynamics.