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What are the steps of an On-Target! Brand Assessment

A thorough brand assessment not only highlights where your brand stands but also provides a clear path for future development. Here's how we do it.

icon-experiencedConducting a brand assessment helps you understand the strength of your brand, identify areas for improvement, and align your strategies with your business objectives. Here are the key steps to effectively assess your brand:


  1. Define Your Brand Objectives: We start by clarifying what you aim to achieve with your brand. Objectives can include increasing brand awareness, improving brand perception, identifying new market opportunities, or assessing the consistency of your brand across various channels.

  2. Gather Internal Insights: Collect insights from within your organization. This can involve interviewing employees, reviewing internal reports, and assessing your current brand guidelines and marketing materials. Understanding how your brand is viewed internally is crucial for identifying misalignments and areas for improvement.

  3. Conduct External Research: Analyze how external stakeholders—customers, partners, and industry experts—view your brand. This can involve surveys, focus groups, and social media monitoring. Comparing internal and external perceptions can highlight gaps between how you perceive your brand and how others actually perceive it.

  4. Competitive Analysis: Evaluate your competitors to understand your brand's position in the market. Look at their brand strategies, market presence, customer engagement, and visual identities. This will help you identify both opportunities and threats in your market environment.

  5. Audit Your Marketing Assets: Review all your marketing assets, including your website, social media profiles, advertising materials, and packaging. Check for consistency in messaging, visual identity, and the overall brand experience. This helps ensure that all elements are aligned and contributing positively to your brand image.

  6. Analyze Customer Interactions and Feedback: Review customer service interactions, customer reviews, and feedback. Analyzing these interactions can provide insights into how customers perceive your brand and what aspects of your product or service are most appreciated or need improvement.

  7. Assess Brand Performance Metrics: Measure key performance indicators (KPIs) such as brand awareness, brand equity, customer loyalty, and market share. These metrics will help quantify the strength of your brand and its progress toward meeting your objectives.

  8. SWOT Analysis: Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to evaluate your brand’s competitive position. This analysis helps identify where your brand stands in relation to competitors and what strategic moves you should consider.

  9. Develop Insights and Recommendations: Compile all the data and insights you've gathered into a comprehensive report. Highlight key findings and propose actionable recommendations based on your assessment. This might include revising your branding strategy, updating marketing materials, or redefining your brand messaging.

  10. Create an Action Plan: Based on the insights and recommendations, develop a detailed action plan to address identified issues and capitalize on opportunities. Ensure that the plan includes clear responsibilities, timelines, and metrics for measuring progress.

  11. Implement Changes and Monitor Progress: Start implementing the necessary changes. It’s important to monitor these changes over time and measure their impact on your brand's performance. This ongoing evaluation will help you make further adjustments and ensure continuous improvement.

Want to know how On-Target! builds effective brands?
Read our Ten Commandments of Brand Building