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What is UX/UI Design and what are UI comps?

On-Target creates UI Comps to act as a blueprint for an effective website. Below are details of how we use them.

sneller-web-1UI comps, short for "user interface compositions," serve several important purposes in the design and development process of digital products. Here’s a breakdown of why they are critical:

  1. Visual Blueprint: UI comps provide a detailed visual representation of what the final application or website will look like. They are essentially mockups that include colors, layouts, typography, iconography, and navigation visuals. This helps stakeholders visualize the end product before development begins.

  2. Clarification of Design Details: By creating comps, designers can clarify and finalize design details. This includes the precise placement of elements, the behavior of UI components, and the overall aesthetic of the application. It's an opportunity to refine the visual and interactive aspects before they are coded.

  3. Stakeholder Approval: UI comps are often used in presentations to stakeholders to gain approval for a design concept. They allow stakeholders to provide feedback on the design before it goes into development, which can save time and resources that might otherwise be spent on reworking the code.

  4. Guidance for Developers: Once approved, UI comps serve as a guide for developers, detailing exactly how the user interface should be built. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the visual design in the final product. It ensures that the developers understand the designer’s intentions and can replicate the design accurately in code.

  5. Consistency Across Screens: UI comps help maintain consistency across different screens and devices. By visualizing each screen, designers can ensure that the user experience is coherent and that design elements are used consistently throughout the application.

  6. Facilitate User Testing: Comps can also be used to create prototypes for user testing. Testing design comps with real users can uncover usability issues and other user experience problems before development begins, allowing designers to make necessary adjustments.

  7. Documentation: Finally, UI comps contribute to the documentation of the design process. They record the evolution of the design and can be referred back to for future projects or for understanding design decisions during maintenance and updates.

In summary, UI comps are an integral part of the On-Target! UX/UI design process, providing a critical link between initial design concepts and the final product. They help ensure that the digital product not only looks good but also meets the usability and functionality expectations of both the business stakeholders and the end-users.