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What is the process of Live Browser Testing by On-Target?

Browser testing for a new website involves a comprehensive process to ensure that the website functions correctly and provides a consistent user experience across different browsers and devices. Here’s how On-Target does it.

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  1. Planning and Preparation:

    • Identify Target Browsers and Devices: Determine the most popular browsers and devices among your target audience, including various versions and operating systems.
    • Create Test Cases: Develop test scenarios that cover all aspects of the website, including navigation, forms, media playback, and interaction with dynamic content.
  2. Functional Testing:

    • Page Loading and Responsiveness: Ensure that all pages load correctly and within an acceptable timeframe on all browsers and devices.
    • Link and Form Testing: Check all links (internal and external) and forms for functionality, ensuring that they submit data correctly and lead to the right destinations or trigger appropriate actions.
  3. Layout and Visual Testing:

    • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Verify that the website’s layout, fonts, colors, and images appear consistently across different browsers and devices.
    • Responsive Design: Test the website on various screen sizes and orientations to ensure the design adjusts correctly and remains user-friendly.
  4. Interactive Elements Testing:

    • JavaScript and AJAX: Test interactive scripts and asynchronous operations to ensure they work seamlessly and without errors across different browser environments.
    • Multimedia Components: Check the performance and compatibility of audio, video, and other multimedia elements.
  5. Performance Testing:

    • Speed Tests: Measure the load times of the website on different browsers to ensure performance optimization.
    • Stress Testing: Evaluate how the site handles under high loads (especially on popular browsers) to identify potential bottlenecks or crashes.
  6. Security Testing:

    • Data Integrity and Privacy: Ensure that all forms and data entries are secure and that the website complies with data protection regulations.
    • Vulnerability Checks: Assess the website for common security vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection.
  7. Accessibility Testing:

    • Compliance with Standards: Verify that the website meets accessibility standards (like WCAG and ADA) to ensure it is usable by people with disabilities.
    • Keyboard Navigation and Screen Reader Testing: Ensure that the site can be navigated using a keyboard alone and is compatible with screen readers.
  8. Usability Testing:

    • User Experience (UX) Evaluation: Conduct usability testing sessions to gather feedback on the website's ease of use and satisfaction from real users.
  9. Feedback Integration and Regression Testing:

    • Incorporate Feedback: Make necessary adjustments based on user and stakeholder feedback.
    • Continuous Testing: Re-test the website to ensure that new changes do not affect existing functionalities (regression testing).
  10. Documentation and Reporting:

    • Issue Tracking: Document any issues identified during testing, detailing their severity and impact.
    • Reporting: Prepare detailed reports on the testing process, outcomes, and recommendations for future improvements.

Browser testing is critical not only during the initial launch of a website but also as an ongoing maintenance activity to ensure the site remains functional and effective across all user platforms.