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Qualities That Really Matter in a Marketing Team

There’s one thing you know you want from your digital marketing team. That’s ROI. But what are the qualities that will guarantee a team will meet your standards? Some may say creativity, time management, and good communication skills — but these are all a given. It turns out that only 52% of marketing executives are fairly satisfied with their agency and only 8% are very satisfied, according to a recent report by Hubspot.

How do you make sure you are signing up for success when choosing an agency? These are the more telling qualities you should be on the look-out for.

A deep analysis of your business

Before an agency even begins to put together a marketing proposal for your company, they should be asking the right questions. It’s absolutely critical that they get to know your company at a deeper level. This is where they gain insight on how to make improvements. A company that is not prodding at your strategic plan and long-term goals is more likely bring you superficial results that make no difference in your overall objective.

Creative, but strategic about your goals

While the creative process plays a crucial role in the marketing plan, some agencies can easily get distracted from the main objective — producing seemingly trivial outcomes. Make sure your team is focused on solid creative that drives measurable results. They should be measuring the progress every step of the way. If there is ever a debate about one design over another, A/B testing is always the answer.

Full service capabilities

Some marketing teams offer full digital services and others are specialized in only a few services. Hiring a team that specializes in social media can have some benefits, however, an effective marketing strategy calls for expertise in all areas — from blogging to SEO to lead nurturing. Your marketing team will need to be there to assist you with each phase of the sales funnel.

Have a niche in your industry

Just as a marketing team should have an understanding for your business, they also need to be familiar with the industry market. Don’t force the fit just because they work with reputable clients. Find an agency who will truly understand how to put your business ahead of competitors and create your industry-specific problems. It’s okay if your agency has several niches, just be sure you aren’t trying to match unrelated fields.

All in all, a good marketing team will be there to rise to the challenge and will have the expertise to ensure you achieve your goals. Have a problem to solve? We’re here to help. Just ask On-Target!. If you still have questions, look at this resource...