
On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Small Businesses Are Resilient and Adaptable, Despite Pandemic

Small Businesses Are Resilient and Adaptable, Despite Pandemic

Businesses are finding ways to thrive during the pandemic, and a new report confirms their determination. Many small businesses are persevering through economic uncertainty, adapting to unforeseen changes, and increasing opportunities through ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | 5 Secrets on How Some Companies Thrived in a Recession

5 Secrets on How Some Companies Thrived in a Recession

Recessionary periods don’t have to be all doom and gloom. While many business leaders are cutting back on budgets, anticipating reduced sales and essentially battening down the hatches – others are pursuing innovative ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | How to Sell in a World Without Handshakes

How to Sell in a World Without Handshakes

Working from home has it’s benefits, but we can see why many people are starting to miss the hustle and bustle of an office. For salespeople, the shift to remote work may be especially challenging

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Top 3 Mediums to Reach Consumers During #StayHome

Top 3 Mediums to Reach Consumers During #StayHome

Marketing dollars spent on the “out of home” sector may see an improved ROI by shifting to digital tactics during COVID-19, as studies show consumers are spending more time online and significantly less time in their ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | The Four Ways Customers Behave in a Downturn

The Four Ways Customers Behave in a Downturn

Purchases depend on consumers’ having disposable income, feeling confident about their future, trusting in business and the economy, and embracing lifestyles and values that encourage consumption. What happens then ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Studies Show Brands Who Advertise During a Recession Come Out Ahead

Studies Show Brands Who Advertise During a Recession Come Out Ahead

While many businesses first consideration may be to cut back on advertising during a recession, the brands that maintain their ad budget and adapt their strategy will see better results over the long-term – and there ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | How Do People Feel About Advertising During COVID-19?

How Do People Feel About Advertising During COVID-19?

There’s no rulebook when it comes to advertising during a global pandemic, but that doesn’t mean anything goes. It’s a crucial time to be listening to your customers wants and needs, while adjusting your strategy and ...

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