
On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | How to create a successful email marketing campaign in 2023

How to create a successful email marketing campaign in 2023


Don't SPAM!

Yes, rule #1 in 2023 is 'Don't SPAM!' The deluge of clutter within inboxes is the greatest barrier to your outreach. This may ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Adapting Your Email Marketing Strategy for Maximum Effectiveness in 2023

Adapting Your Email Marketing Strategy for Maximum Effectiveness in 2023

Two years ago, we wrote an article about adapting your email marketing strategy, titled "Adapting Your Email Marketing Strategy." Since then, we have ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | On-Target Recognized as Top Email Marketing Agency

On-Target Recognized as Top Email Marketing Agency


On-Target is proud to be recognized as one of the top


Adapting your email marketing strategy

More of your customers are at home and in front of devices than ever, and along with that comes increases in the amount of emails they will likely see. The challenge for many organizations is sustaining or even increasing the effectiveness of ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Why You Should Be A/B Testing Everything

Why You Should Be A/B Testing Everything

User experience is at the heart of every piece of messaging and content an organization produces. Often though, that messaging and content doesn't reach expected levels of engagement or returns. That can have widespread impact on future campaign ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | What are the Most Effective Ways to Increase our Contact Database?

What are the Most Effective Ways to Increase our Contact Database?

Your email list is similar to a revolving door. Over time, contacts will be lost due to new jobs, expiring email addresses, unsubscribes, etc. But it’s marketers jobs to make sure that door keeps moving with the right people coming in as often as ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | What Are Examples of Email Campaign Strategies?

What Are Examples of Email Campaign Strategies?


Want to branch out from your “business as usual” marketing messages? Email campaigns have the power to yield $44 in ROI for every $1 spent. But to truly reap the ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | How Can I Grow My Email List?

How Can I Grow My Email List?

Don’t let social media distract you from one of the oldest and most effective marketing platforms out there. Email is still a great way to reach people, as 99% of consumers check their email every day. In fact, email ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | What Should My Email Open Rate Be?

What Should My Email Open Rate Be?

How can you tell if you are getting the most out of your email campaign? While platforms such as Hubspot or Mailchimp provide you with detailed analytics, these numbers mean less if you don’t have a benchmark to ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | 7 Stats to Know Before Your Next Email Campaign

7 Stats to Know Before Your Next Email Campaign

Email is still alive and well, despite the spotlight always on the young and vibrant social media. In fact, email generates $38 for every $1 spent, which is an astounding 3,800% ROI, making it one of the most effective ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | 3 HubSpot Integrations Our Clients Love

3 HubSpot Integrations Our Clients Love

Hubspot is king when it comes to bringing everything together in one place. Which means less hassle, more control and not to mention — a seamless alignment between marketing and sales. You can even use many of your ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Repurposing Content to Create Powerful Sales Emails

Repurposing Content to Create Powerful Sales Emails

When it comes to doing Inbound marketing right, email should be a method for inspiring people to actually do something. Whether it’s to visit a ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Unique Ways to Boost Email Open Rates

Unique Ways to Boost Email Open Rates

At some point this year you may have come across the standard check-list on how to improve email open rates. This list probably covered tactics such as creating a sense of urgency, giving an offer or discount or name recognition — which are great ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Engage More Customers Using These 5 Email Techniques

Engage More Customers Using These 5 Email Techniques

Looking to different ways to engage potential customers? You might be taking advantage of the power of email marketing when it comes to trying something new. Let’s face it — most emails are boring, leaving plenty of room for you to do something ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | The Most Loved and Hated Email Subject Lines

The Most Loved and Hated Email Subject Lines

Email subject lines can feel like the death of us marketers. In today’s busy world, we receive 121 emails per day and a whopping 33% of them go unopened. [E-Statistics] This means a bad subject line can block a prospect from opening a sales ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Three Ways Email is Evolving in 2017

Three Ways Email is Evolving in 2017

There is a lot of discussion about how email is dying. Yet, even in the age of texting and social media, the ROI on email continues to outperform other marketing channels.  This "old-fashioned" form of communication is not going anywhere ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Turn Web Leads Into Buyers Through Email Automation

Turn Web Leads Into Buyers Through Email Automation

For many online marketers, the holy grail is to turn every single lead into a committed long-term buyer.  However, that is extremely difficult and a large portion of those reached through marketing will not make a purchase.  On the ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | 3 Proven Ways to Get More B2B Leads

3 Proven Ways to Get More B2B Leads


On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Cold Calling Meets Email Marketing

Cold Calling Meets Email Marketing

With technology growing as fast as it is, some might believe email marketing is outdated in today’s world of SEO, social media, video and digital advertising. But the truth is — email marketing works. No matter how long it’s been around, it’s not ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Embracing Effective Cold Emailing: A Nod to a Successful Approach

Embracing Effective Cold Emailing: A Nod to a Successful Approach

The Power of Dialogue-Oriented Cold Emails

The landscape of B2B communication demands strategies that are innovative, efficient, and most importantly, effective. It's in this context that we, at On-Target, found ourselves deeply ...

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