
Jonathan Perser

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On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | On-Target Recognized as Top Advertising Agency

On-Target Recognized as Top Advertising Agency


On-Target is proud to announce that we have been recognized as one of the top advertising agencies in the United States by!


Here at On-Target, we ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | On-Target Recognized as Top Digital Marketing Company

On-Target Recognized as Top Digital Marketing Company

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | On-Target Recognized as Top SEO Agency

On-Target Recognized as Top SEO Agency

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | On-Target Recognized as Top Digital Marketing Agency

On-Target Recognized as Top Digital Marketing Agency

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | On-Target Recognized as Top Web Design Agency

On-Target Recognized as Top Web Design Agency

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Graphic Design Trends

Graphic Design Trends

Staying at the forefront of graphic design trends is usually relegated to those organizations who have a high number of creatives on staff or work in a highly artistic industry. However, here are some of the highlights that can help your business ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Are you Mobile-First Optimized?

Are you Mobile-First Optimized?

Did you know most people will leave a mobile website if they can’t find what they’re looking for immediately?

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Why Your Infographic Still Matters...

Why Your Infographic Still Matters...

Many businesses today have given much of their focus in regard to web traffic to keywords, phrases and topics that meet the search intent of their users. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with that approach, it fails to address the most ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | How

How "We've always done it this way" is holding you back

No other 6-word phrase has doomed the efforts of even the best thought out marketing and sales plans. It's not a secret that in the "new normal", everything is, in fact, new... or so it seems.

Many clients who we've known over the course ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | On-Target Recognized as Top Inbound Marketing Agency

On-Target Recognized as Top Inbound Marketing Agency


On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | New Isn't Always Better

New Isn't Always Better

You've done it. The new copy and imagery on your social posts, website, and ads look spectacular. Now you're just waiting for the new customers to come in. You keep waiting though, and something clicks...

Why are all my sales and marketing ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | The Hidden Costs of Marketing

The Hidden Costs of Marketing

 One of the most echoed concerns of companies we work with is helping them stay on top of budgets. This is especially true when it comes to marketing since being aware of costs is more crucial than ever.

What many organizations fail ...

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Below are our accounts and perspectives on approaches, strategies, examples, focused on marketing for small and medium-sized businesses.

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