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On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Small Businesses Are Resilient and Adaptable, Despite Pandemic

Small Businesses Are Resilient and Adaptable, Despite Pandemic

Businesses are finding ways to thrive during the pandemic, and a new report confirms their determination. Many small businesses are persevering through economic uncertainty, adapting to unforeseen changes, and increasing opportunities through ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Cold Calling is Dead. Here's How the Sales Process is Changing

Cold Calling is Dead. Here's How the Sales Process is Changing

It's a Digital World

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Graphic Design Trends

Graphic Design Trends

Staying at the forefront of graphic design trends is usually relegated to those organizations who have a high number of creatives on staff or work in a highly artistic industry. However, here are some of the highlights that can help your business ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Are you Mobile-First Optimized?

Are you Mobile-First Optimized?

Did you know most people will leave a mobile website if they can’t find what they’re looking for immediately?

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Why Your Infographic Still Matters...

Why Your Infographic Still Matters...

Many businesses today have given much of their focus in regard to web traffic to keywords, phrases and topics that meet the search intent of their users. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with that approach, it fails to address the most ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | New Real Estate Trends Are Emerging During The Pandemic

New Real Estate Trends Are Emerging During The Pandemic

During the pandemic, we’ve seen how social conditions can rapidly shape human behaviors, from reducing spending to redirecting how we spend our time. The real estate market alone is experiencing years of change in a matter of a few short ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | How

How "We've always done it this way" is holding you back

No other 6-word phrase has doomed the efforts of even the best thought out marketing and sales plans. It's not a secret that in the "new normal", everything is, in fact, new... or so it seems.

Many clients who we've known over the course ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Benefits of Using Marketing Automation

Benefits of Using Marketing Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already invaded our personal lives through chatbots on our phones and other modern technological conveniences, so why not allow AI to work for our businesses? 

There are a number of advantages to ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Inbound Marketing Strategy

Inbound Marketing Strategy

During the past few years, the way people communicate and what they expect from your business has changed. Traditional marketing campaigns like flyers, sales calls, snail mail, and trade shows are no longer bringing in ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | How One Brainstorm Meeting Led to Powerful Results: A Transformation

How One Brainstorm Meeting Led to Powerful Results: A Transformation

What does a successful brainstorm meeting look like?  If you want to hold meetings that unearth better ideas and generate real results, we've found it's all about getting to know your customers' key values.

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Thriving in 2020: Award-Winning Campaigns Recognized by GHBA

Thriving in 2020: Award-Winning Campaigns Recognized by GHBA

We know it’s harder than ever to make an impact, but with the right team on your side – you too, can thrive in 2020 and beyond. This philosophy of looking ahead, embracing the need to transform and


On-Target Recognized as Top Inbound Marketing Agency


On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | New Isn't Always Better

New Isn't Always Better

You've done it. The new copy and imagery on your social posts, website, and ads look spectacular. Now you're just waiting for the new customers to come in. You keep waiting though, and something clicks...

Why are all my sales and marketing ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | The Hidden Costs of Marketing

The Hidden Costs of Marketing

 One of the most echoed concerns of companies we work with is helping them stay on top of budgets. This is especially true when it comes to marketing since being aware of costs is more crucial than ever.

What many organizations fail ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Pending Home Sales Notch Record-Setting Monthly Increase in May

Pending Home Sales Notch Record-Setting Monthly Increase in May

It’s been a challenging year for Houston’s real estate industry, but things are looking up. Here at On-Target! we’ve been ramping up marketing efforts with


5 Secrets on How Some Companies Thrived in a Recession

Recessionary periods don’t have to be all doom and gloom. While many business leaders are cutting back on budgets, anticipating reduced sales and essentially battening down the hatches – others are pursuing innovative ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | How to Sell in a World Without Handshakes

How to Sell in a World Without Handshakes

Working from home has it’s benefits, but we can see why many people are starting to miss the hustle and bustle of an office. For salespeople, the shift to remote work may be especially challenging

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Top 3 Mediums to Reach Consumers During #StayHome

Top 3 Mediums to Reach Consumers During #StayHome

Marketing dollars spent on the “out of home” sector may see an improved ROI by shifting to digital tactics during COVID-19, as studies show consumers are spending more time online and significantly less time in their ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | The Four Ways Customers Behave in a Downturn

The Four Ways Customers Behave in a Downturn

Purchases depend on consumers’ having disposable income, feeling confident about their future, trusting in business and the economy, and embracing lifestyles and values that encourage consumption. What happens then ...

On-Target! Makreting | Digital Marketers In Houston | Tricks That Will Make You Shine in Your Next Video Meeting

Tricks That Will Make You Shine in Your Next Video Meeting

Feeling cool and confident in a video meeting can feel a little “ruff” around the edges.

Fortunately, there are easy ways to improve your screen presence and take advantage ...

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